The instructor will contact you within the first few weeks of classes to warn students whose classroom performance is unsatisfactory. An unsatisfactory mid-semester report will also be submitted for anyone with a grade of D or below on work completed at that time. Writing assignments (with the exception of blogging) will be marked down a full letter grade for each day it is late, and will not be accepted after 48 hours. Students must produce a medical note to reschedule any presentations. Below is the grade breakdown:
- Class Participation—20%
- Classroom Discussion Leadership—20%
- American Citizenship Research Project—60%
- Reaction Papers—40%
- Presentation—20%
- Final Research Paper—40%
Grading Rationale:
Academic performance is rated according to the following system:
A 4.00 quality points—Excellent
A- 3.70 quality points
B+ 3.30 quality points
B 3.00 quality points—Commendable
B- 2.70 quality points
C+ 2.30 quality points
C 2.00 quality points—Acceptable
C- 1.70 quality points
D+ 1.30 quality points
D 1.00 quality points—Marginal
F 0.00 quality points—Failure